建築是一座城市的外衣,也是城市文化的容器,更隱約透露這座城市的內涵,盛載歷史也記錄變遷。城市建築的設計方式影響我們的審美觀、價值觀及生活習慣,在隨處可見的屏風樓、發水樓、蛋糕樓、粟米樓,和那些雲石水晶燈高檔會所豪華大堂之外,香港建築,還有甚麼? 香港的建築有德國Bauhaus、Art and Crafts Movement、Baroque Style等的影響,也有世界級設計師Norman Foster、貝聿銘、Cesar Pelli、Terry Farrell等的作品。建築師許允恆以大量重新繪製的平面圖配以相片文字,解構建築在工程設計、人文生活、歷史宗教、商業都市、空間環境中的作用及其特有的設計與功能。
──陳翠兒(AOS 建築事務所)
“Our lives are very much affected by this new breed of building design in the city. They do not just merely provide a place for us to live in or work, they are also reshaping our living habit and changing our perception of things. Their very existence inevitably represents the life style of our current generation.”
──Alex Lau (Wong Tung Group Architects & Planners)